My name is Jonathan Moy, owner of Moyzilla Food Truck. Moyzilla started as a series of crazy daydreams while sitting in my cubicle. Since graduating from Hofstra University in 2008, I had worked as an Analyst for a large financial services company. Given the economy, I went a few years feeling fortunate enough to be employed. The state of being content was overwhelmed by the increasing desire to share my true love of “New-Asian” Street Food with the city.

In the summer of 2013 we took a big step and tested our concept at several festivals in the Boston area. The reception was amazing and the experience was unlike anything I had imagined. I was convinced that I had to bring Moyzilla to life, but how?
A traditional restaurant would be impossible, financially. But…a food truck! Better yet, win a food truck! We applied and come painfully close to being a part of season 4 of Food Network’s “Great Food Truck Race,” (our embarrassing casting video, including a Moyzilla Harlem Shake Dance, can still be found on YouTube…I will most definitely regret admitting this, I digress). Being rejected motivated me and reinforced my desire to get Moyzilla off the ground. A year later, with tremendous support from family and friends my dream has become a reality. Moyzilla rolled out in April 2014!